2005-2009 Shaft Identification
Square Shaft
To identify your shaft style. Apply your park brake. Put the gear selector into 1st. Unscrew the screw that holds the shifter in place. Lift the shifter just enough to see the style of the shaft. There will be no need to unplug the wire or take the completely off. Once the shaft is identified reinstall the shifter and put your car back into park.
Round Shaft
2005-2009 Mustang Install instructions
Click on the button to view some Images that will aid in your install. Also refer to the video. It will help with the shift knob removal process. Reverse the steps for the shift knob installation.
2010-2012 Mustang Install instructions
Click on the button to view the 2010-2012 install instructions.
2013-2014 Mustang Install instructions
Click on the button to view the 2010-2012 install instructions. It will act as a guide for your install. There may be some slight differences but will help.
2015-2022 Mustang Install instructions
Click on the button to view the 2015-2022 install instructions. It will act as a guide for your install. There may be some slight differences but will help.
2011-2014 f150/250 Automatic Shift Knob Install
I have linked a very detailed YouTube video that shows how to remove your stock shift knob. I get no credit for this video, Vladyerus is the creator.
2015-2020 Mustang
I currently do not have a install for these shifters. But there are videos online of aftermarket shifter installs that can be used as a reference.
2010-2015 Camaro
Click on the button to view the 2010-2015 Camaro install instructions. It will act as a guide for your install. There may be some slight differences but will help.
Click on the button to view the 1986-2002 Camaro install instructions. All credit goes to C-DOT for the video.
2007-2018 JEEP 4X4 Shift Knob Instructions
To remove the stock 4x4 shift knob you just have to pull straight up on the knob. It is not held on by and screws or clips. And to install your new shifter you just have to press it onto the shaft. This may take some fore but requires no tools.
2007-2010 JEEP Gear Shift Instructions
Instructions are very limited at this time. To remove the stock shifter you have to carefully pry the base cover off the bottom of the shifter. This will expose a screw on the drivers side. Remove the screw and set it off to the side. You can now remove the stock shifter from the shaft. Remember to remove the base piece as well. Now insert the new shifter onto the shaft. Carefully remove the drivers insert plate from the side of the shifter. Once removed you will see a place to install the original screw. Make sure the holes are lined up and install the screw. Now you can re-install the insert plate and your shifter install is complete.
2011-2018 JEEP Gear Shifter Instructions
This document can help assist you with the install of your shifter.